Οι Ιππότες της Μάλτας είναι ένα από τα παλαιότερα καθολικα τάγματα του Βατικανού που ιδρύθηκε το 1046 κατά τη διάρκεια των Σταυροφοριών στην Ιερουσαλήμ. Οι 13 γραμμές αίματος των Illuminati (The Astor Bloodline, The Bundy Bloodline,The Collins Bloodline,The DuPont Bloodline,The Freeman Bloodline,The Kennedy Bloodline,The Li Bloodline,The Onassis Bloodline,The Reynolds bloodline,The Rockefeller Bloodline,The Rothschild Bloodline,The Russell Bloodline,The Van Duyn Bloodline)διοικούνται από τους Ιππότες της Μάλτας ,απο το ιππικό τάγμα του Αγίου Τάφου της Ιερουσαλήμ που είναι υπό την προστασία του πάπα και the Society of Jesus( The Society of Jesus (Latin: Societas Iesu, S.J., SJ, or SI) is a Catholic male religious order that follows the teachings of the Catholic Church. The members are called Jesuits, and are also known colloquially as "God's Marines).
Oι τέκτονες ελέγχονται από the Society of Jesus...
Nicholas Papanicolaou is the current Grand Master, which is the highest rank in the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta. The Grand Master is elected for life by the supreme council members of the Order. He's held the position since 2006.One of the highlights in Papanicolaou's career is that he was the vice president of the Onassis Organization in New York, between 1973-75. The Onassis family, who he would have had close contact with, is known to be one of the major kingpins of the thirteen Illuminati bloodline families.
(L-R), His Majesty King Adamtey I of Ghana; His Supreme Highness Baron Nicholas Papanicoalou; and Bishop Timothy Holley, members of the Ecumenical Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta.
Nicholas Papanicoalou
Pope Benedict XVI with Grand Master Matthew Festing (on Pope's right hand) and Knights of Malta.
Pope John Paul II with Grand Master of the Knights of Malta Andrew Bertie along with Eight of Bertie's most Powerful Knights, 2003
An Orthodox Knight of Malta? Why, yes there is.This first one is rather obvious. It is a Russian metropolitan (notice the white miter) wearing a Cross of Malta prominently surrounded by Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem.
Fra’ Matthew Festing, KM enroute to his Papal master escorted by Archbishop James Harvey & Papal Swiss Guard
Churchill's grandaughter reveals tales from the Onassis yacht
Cardinal Pacelli (seated, center, later Pope Pius XII) at the signing of the Reichskonkordat on 20 July 1933 in Rome with (from left to right): German prelate Ludwig Kaas, German Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen, Secretary of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs Giuseppe Pizzardo, Alfredo Ottaviani, and Reich minister Rudolf Buttmann.
Pope Pius XII served the Prince of this World, carried around like an Earthly King.
January 30th of 1933: Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany. Paul Von Hindenburg tried to keep Hitler out of office. But Germany was tired of chaos, and opted for disaster in stead.
Catholic Bishops, promoting a man of peace, who promised to end the chaos. To the fare right, Nazi-propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. Not possible if they had received The Holy Spirit.
Pope Pius XII carried around like an Earthly King. In grave contrast to Jesus who came riding on a donkey.
Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, papal nuncio to Germany, talks with Hitler in 1936.
20. Juli 1933. Franz von Papen signs the deal between Nazi-Germany and the Vatican
Franz von Papen with Hitler and Josef Goebbels.
After World War II, Franz von Papen was made a papal knight by the Pope
Freemasons on the march, the order of the Knights of Malta with Franz von Papen.
Papal soldier Franz von Papen with his Vatican order after World War II
Pope Pius XII served the Prince of this World, carried around like an Earthly King.
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