Τετάρτη 5 Ιουνίου 2013

Διεστραμμένοι άνθρωποι υπάρχουν παντού…Βίντεο

He had no name.
To his torturers he was just The Dog, and for years, he lived chained inside a basement in shack in the countryside. 
A dark wet hell where there was no difference between night and day. His owners used to go there and drop some food every once in a while, just to keep him alive. 
To them, he was nothing but a living alarm that would scare intruders with his barks.
Neighbors had complained several times about this inhumane treatment but nothing had been done about it, and so it went on, and on, for years that may have seemed like an eternity to a dog that yearned for human contact and freedom.
After all treatment is over Axel will need a home, one that is willing to offer him the things he never had…
We know times are tough and many are struggling right now, if you are not in a position to contribute please, at least help us save Axel...
Please help Axel, the dog that crawled out of HELL
P.S… Many people needed to see a video of Axel to believe he is real… I have no idea how can people convince themselves something so obvious is not real but here it is:


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