Τρίτη 14 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Ready for CAT-tle: Now your cat can have his own BODY ARMOR, turning him into an 'unstoppable force for slaughter', all for just $500

If you've ever lain awake at night hearing the terrifying mewling of the neighbourhood cats making war - and love - you'll know that a suburban feline's lot is a savage one.
But now you can give your furry fighter an edge in her back-garden battles with this gladiator-style body armour specially designed for the feline form.
As if the animals weren't bloodthirsty enough already, this fully-articulated Cat Battle Armour promises to make your kitty 'an unstoppable force for slaughter' each time she ventures forth through the cat flap.
Terrifying: A cat models the Cat Battle Armour, which promises to make you pet an 'unstoppable force for slaughter' and is available from an Etsy store for the princely sum of $500 (£313)
Terrifying: A cat models the Cat Battle Armour, which promises to make you pet an 'unstoppable force for slaughter' and is available from an Etsy store for the princely sum of $500 (£313)
Hand-stitched from black leather, with nickel silver hardware, the armour is designed to protect your cat 'from foes while allowing unimpeded movement across the battlefield or living room floor'.
The torso section consists of several riveted, articulated plates finished with a 'terrifying' rack of dragon-like dorsal spines. Kitty's hindquarters are protected by an array of overlapping scales joined together 'like the petals of a deadly flower'.
The kinky looking suit fastens securely - and, it is claimed, comfortably - at the collar with two nickel silver buckles and at the belly with grommeted corset-style lacing.
Anyone keen to give their cat some extra protection can get their hands on a suit for $500 (£313) from Etsy shop schnabuble, which also markets a range of fantasy- and steam punk-themed hand-made garments for humans.
'I am the punishment of God': The torso section consists of several riveted, articulated plates finished with a 'terrifying' rack of dragon-like dorsal spines
'If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you': Kitty's hindquarters are protected by an array of overlapping scales joined together 'like the petals of a deadly flower'
Handmade: The torso section consists of riveted, articulated plates finished with a rack of dorsal spines. Kitty's hindquarters are protected by an array of overlapping scales joined together 'like the petals of a deadly flower'
The seller admits that persuading independent-minded moggies to put on the armour without trying to claw someone's eyes out is a bit of a challenge.
'While we were constructing the armour, we made sure [the model] Selani was around to get used to the look, feel, and smell of it, and gave her positive reinforcement through extra petting and treats when she approached,' said the vendor.
'When we put it on her, we did it gently and over a long period of time, cuddling her in our laps and letting her move away whenever she wanted.'
Which is surely how warriors should be treated.
The seller adds: 'Now she seems to genuinely enjoy wearing it- purring and actively modeling. I think she also appreciates the extra insulation the leather offers, because she is a total heat-whore and likes being very warm.
'It was designed first and foremost to be comfortable for her. The leather is flexible and lightweight. She can walk, scurry, jump up on things, and has fallen asleep while wearing it.'
Not got a cat? Fear not. Schnabuble promises to also custom design body armour for any other animal specified by a client, from hamsters to ligers.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2539109/Ready-CAT-tle-Now-cat-BODY-ARMOR-turning-unstoppable-force-slaughter-just-500.html#ixzz2qNVGs6Ka 

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