Δευτέρα 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2024

A new Islamic empire is born; don't feed it, starve it.

 Most Middle Easterners and the rest of the world don't realize the devastating consequences of the new development in Syria (Al-Sham).

The new generation of Jihadists is more sophisticated than any terrorist group in the past. They have patience and are not in a rush to attack their enemies; their new strategy is to build infrastructure, and institutions, and get global recognition towards establishing a Jihadi Ummah. Jihadis learned from their previous mistakes; they know the old generation failed to destroy the West through disability and the impossibility of achieving their Jihadi goals while on the run from intelligence agencies. They are avoiding the mistakes of their masters, Al Zawahri and Abdullah Azzam. Their new strategy is to create a suitable climate which will lead to the establishment of a Jihadi nation. The United States and its allies should not recognize or legitimize the new rulers of Damascus, no matter how cleverly they are going to play their cards to manipulate the international community by appointing moderate government figures. Even though this might appear counterproductive, Eliminating rebels' top leaders, most importantly Al Julani, before they gain more support and sympathy from a desperate society longing for change and freedom will allow a legitimate leadership to emerge. Crediting or rewarding Jihadists for overthrowing the brutal Syrian dictator is a mistake, they may have played an important part, but they are not the actual force that brought Assad down. Al Julani has the potential of creating a powerful Terrorist State we have never experienced before. He tends to build it slowly, mindfully, and patiently. This global terrorist didn't integrate from a Jihadi to a statesman, he transformed himself from a simple Jihadi to a modern-day Islamic Chalife, and allowing him to thrive will have deadly consequences on humanity. MHY

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